
Finance by Travel and Leisure Pty Limited and Wyndham Vacation Clubs South Pacific Ltd (Wyndham, we, our, us) participates in the Australian credit reporting system as a credit provider. Wyndham respects your credit information and has taken steps to ensure that such information is protected to the best of its ability by the formulation of this Credit Reporting Policy.

Types of credit information
Wyndham collects, holds, uses and discloses the following types of credit information:

  • your name, date of birth, gender, address, name of your employer, and if you hold a driver’s licence – your driver’s licence number;
  • information relating to your consumer credit including the name of the credit provider, type and maximum amount of credit available, certain repayment terms, the day on which the consumer credit is entered into and the date that it is terminated or otherwise ceases;
  • statement by a credit provider requesting information from a credit reporting body (CRB) in relation to an application for credit by you;
  • record of your repayment history including whether or not you have made monthly repayments and when they are paid;
  • record of your payments owed to credit providers in connection with credit provided to you that are overdue for more than 60 days, and if you subsequently repay any such overdue payment, a record of that repayment;
  • statement that your credit contract is varied or replaced by a credit provider in relation to credit provided to you;
  • publicly available information about you relating to your activities in Australia and your creditworthiness including court proceedings information and personal insolvency information;
  • administrative information in relation to credit provided by us such as your customer or account numbers; and
  • summaries, evaluations, scores and ratings that we or a CRB derives wholly or partly based on the information listed above.

Wyndham collects credit information about you in various ways including when you or persons acting on your behalf provide such information directly to us (such as on applications for credit) or where provided by CRBs and other credit providers. Your credit information is stored in physical and electronic forms on our systems and protected by procedural and security safeguards including data encryption and restricted access to appropriately trained staff.

The credit information Wyndham collects from you or about you and for which you have consented to its collection is necessary for our business and as permitted under Part IIIA of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) which includes:

  • to assess your application for credit;
  • to manage credit we provide to you including collecting overdue payments and assisting you to avoid defaulting on your credit related obligations;
  • to manage your account including carrying out credit scoring and evaluations and general administrative tasks;
  • to undertake securitisation activities; and
  • to participate in the Australian credit reporting system.

Disclosure to Credit Reporting Bodies
From time to time Wyndham may disclose your credit information to CRBs for the purposes permitted under the Privacy Act. For example, if you apply for credit from us, we may request a credit report about you from the CRB. If you do not meet your payment obligations in relation to credit provided by us or if you commit a serious credit infringement we may disclose such information to the CRB. The CRB may include such information provided by us in reports provided to other credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness.
We disclose credit information to Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Limited (Equifax). You have special rights under the Privacy Act in relation to dealings with Equifax and/or any CRBs such as:

  • You may request from Equifax its policy on how it manages your personal information;
  • CRBs can use your credit information for a pre-screening assessment at the request of a credit provider unless you ask the CRB not to. If you do not want Equifax to use your credit information for the purpose of pre-screening, you have the right to ask Equifax to exclude you.
  • If you reasonably believe that you have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud including identity-related fraud, you can request Equifax not to use or disclose credit information Equifax holds about you.

You can contact Equifax directly by:

Disclosure to other recipients
Wyndham may also disclose your credit information to third parties as permitted under the Privacy Act such as other credit providers, our related bodies corporate or organisations involved in securitisation arrangements or debt assignments. Depending on the circumstances we may request your consent before we make such disclosures. If we disclose your credit information to our related bodies corporate located outside Australia such as the United States, India, South Africa or the Philippines, we will ensure that their use and disclosure of such information are consistent with this Credit Reporting Policy.

Access to credit information
If you believe that Wyndham is holding credit information about you and you wish to access it, please send a written request to Wyndham at the address indicated below. We endeavour to provide you with access to the extent it is reasonable and practicable to do so within 30 days. We are not required to provide you with access if it would be unlawful or would be likely to harm the activities of an enforcement body. If we refuse your request, we will provide you with a notice explaining our decision. There is usually no charge for making a request for access but depending on the complexity of your request, we may charge a processing fee.

Correction of credit information
If you believe that any credit information about you that we hold is incorrect, out-of-date or incomplete, you have a right to request us to correct that information. Depending on your request, we may need to consult with other credit providers or CRBs about the accuracy of your credit information. We endeavour to resolve your correction request to the extent it is reasonable and practicable to do so within 30 days. If we require more time, we will let you know. If we do not agree that your credit information is inaccurate, we will provide you with a notice explaining our decision and how you can complain about our decision. There is no charge for making a correction request or for the correction of your credit information.

If you believe that we may not have complied with our obligations as a credit provider under the Privacy Act or an applicable code, you can contact us. We will provide you with an acknowledgment of your complaint within 7 days. We endeavour to resolve your complaint within 30 days and we may consult with a CRB or another credit provider if we consider it necessary to deal with your complaint. If we disclose your credit information while investigating your complaint, we may also advise the recipient about your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with how we resolved your complaint, you may also make a complaint to our external complaints body, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). You can contact AFCA by

Phone: 1800 931 678 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm AEST).

Fax: 03 9613 6399

Post: Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001 (please visit website for the most up-to-date contact details)

If you are not satisfied with the resolution by AFCA, you have a right to make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. Visit their website at for their most up-to-date contact details.

Notification of changes
We will post a notice for 30 days at the top of this page notifying you when this Credit Reporting Policy is updated or modified in a material way. If we are going to use your credit information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection, we will notify you.

Requests, notices and correspondence
Please direct all requests, notices or correspondence to:

The Privacy Manager
C/Customer Care Team
Finance by Travel and Leisure Pty Limited
Box 7493, Gold Coast MC QLD 9726